Wednesday, October 5, 2011

indian summer....

we have had some really crappy weather lately.  it started right after labor day and we have hardly had a warm day since.  we went from wearing shorts and tank tops to jeans and sweatshirts overnight.
literally overnight....
and rain. lots of rain and wind. and two frosts....
this week has been beautiful so far.  the temps are expected to get back into the 80's by the end of the week. and no rain. or wind.
so the girls wanted a little photo shoot tonight.
i am always happy to oblige.....
 and i had two (mostly) cooperative little girls...
 oh, my goodness, i just want to eat them up!!!
 the light was gorgeous. perfectly golden.  no wind.   long, long shadows.
and my girls were just the sweetest. (once i promised them ice cream)
this one will be 8 next month.  i can hardly believe that this much time has passed.  i feel very lucky to have such a beautiful and wonderful daughter who has given me such 
beautiful grandchildren. very lucky and blessed indeed....
how could you not!!!!!


joanne said...

gorgeous photos of the girls ... they are adorable. sorry about your crappy weather. out here in az, we have finally emerged from the long and hellish summer.. the rain yesterday cooled the temps down beautifully.

Musings Of A Gem said...

They all have lovely beautiful!

Glad to hear your weather is picking up a bit. Ours is getting coldereach day!

Gemma x

Bargain Hoot said...

You have such beautiful grandchildren!!It is probably so much fun taking their pictures!

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