Monday, April 18, 2011

can i have some cheese with that whine???.......

 this was yesterday.....
 just a little bit of accumulation that melted pretty quickly....but the wind blew gustily (is that a word?) all day long.  in fact... 
 our grill is up against the house because the wind blew it across the yard yesterday.....our brand new grill, all dented up now....
 these pictures are from this morning....not so lucky in the melting department today....
 we are expecting an inch or more and snow until noon....
  i just need to remember this.......

no matter how hard that is!!!!!


  1. Ohhh too much snow!! I really hope it ***** off for you! heehee ; )

    Gemma x

  2. We've been seeing alot of the same. The days the sun comes out I feel as though I'm in HEAVEN! I still have the words 'Think Spring' ony my chalkboard.

  3. Oh, dear. I can see why are you upset! But yes, spring always comes! Thank goodness. Hope you have a super Easter weekend with sunshine! Thanks as always for your lovely comments. :) xo – g


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