Thursday, April 14, 2011

busy, busy week

i can't believe that a week has already flown by... this has been a very busy week around here.  
the weather has actually warmed up a fact, it was in the mid 80's this past sunday..just two days after i whined like a baby about how cold its been lately.
the following day it was back into the 50's and has stayed there since.  
and it was windy which makes it feel like the 40's...
i digress..
sunday's temps allowed us to finally spend some time outdoors.  
here is how our family spend the day...
don could not wait to get out into his garden
pruning the gardens and the rose bushes
did i tell you that our dog eats rose bushes???
it's true...when he was a puppy and before we had any control over him at all....he would yank the rose bushes out of the ground, roots and all, and drag them through the yard....

at least he doesn't eat his own poop....

austen spent most of the day golfing in the yard...
or as we like to call it
 fishing for balls in the pond..
doesn't the pond have a lovely green hue???  he could have teed off on the scum in there!!!

we went to home depot for some replacement parts to fix our 7 year old ( falling apart, burn everything you put on it, birds nest of a grill)

and came home with 
heaven, i tell ya!!!!  4 burners and a spit (that we still have to buy)
and the flames don't flare up and engulf our food and burn it to crispy ashes..ahhhh!!!
i scored an end table in someone's garbage pile...yup, totally slammed on the brakes,
pulled to the side of the road and hauled this baby into the back seat. because our cars were small and had no trunk space to be able to accommodate furniture....
so yesterday, we came home with this

an uplander with lots and lots of room
and seating for 7....people or pieces of furniture....
oops, how did that get in there???

i also worked on another piece of furniture for my friend lisa...
and when i uploaded this picture to send to her for a progress report yesterday, i noticed that there were some funky vertical lines on the picture....i googled it and learned that this is a major camera malfunction.  i was hoping that google was goggled in the head and bee-lined it to my beloved camera store where i bought my canon 7D.  they hadn't seen anything like that before and thought that it was an electronic problem and packed it off to the manufacturer......  :(
and i had a photo shoot to do this morning.....
so i got out my old canon xti and couldn't remember how to use it.  so i had to google that too.  but it worked and i was able to do the little mini easter shoot of these two lovelies.....
 so clear it almost looks like they are coming right out of the picture, doesn't it???
hey, how did that get in there???

it was actually warm enough to be outside in summer clothes....
i asked don to take a picture of me in my painting apron.  because it is a cute apron.
notice that he didn't get the apron....
hey, my eyes are up here.....(because i am so hugely endowed)

there we go.....

so i had to set it up so he could get the whole apron in the picture (i do wear it when i paint)
a bicycle, a couple of ladders, wading boots for the pond, the snow blower that hasn't been put away yet (i told don to get that dang thing into the shed before it jinks us again...crap..too late, they are calling for snow on saturday night, for reals!!!) a wooden sofa on its side, and numerous oil and paint stains on the garage floor. lovely isn't it?  hmmmmm...maybe the garage could use a little feminine touch, some pretty paint on the walls, and some curtains in the windows?????
nah, just a good power washing.....
i know your butt is cute, but can you keep it out of my post please???

i leave you today with an oxymoron of sorts
ruffles and skulls!!!
they are the same shoes as the raspberry ones in the photo above, only in mushroom.  
ok, i'm hungry now...
have a great weekend, friends!!!

seriously now!!!!


  1. Haha! The butt shots made me laugh out loud. You bought a car AND a grill in the same week?! Lucky you! Whatever you are painting for your friend looks seriously cute too!

    Cute shoes too!

    Have a great weekend!


  2. HAHAHAAH! Oh my gosh, you are my kind of blogger! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! And the buns...I MEAN adorable! Did you make it!?!

  3. HEEHEE! Love the accidental pictures of Dons butt...lovely! lol. Loving the really bring out the colour of your eyes!!

    I'm glad that the warmer weather has headed your way. It seems to have disappeared from here (plus our boiler is broken so it is CHILLY!)

    Did you make your apron?

    Gemma x

  4. Definitely a busy week! What a funny and entertaining post!! Loved your apron, and shoes! Super cute!! Have a great weekend!

  5. You are sooo funny!! Glad I found you and your blog... What a treat!


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