Wednesday, June 15, 2011

sweet baby jamison......

just turned one-year-old when his mama contacted me to do family photos.....they had seen my work and really wanted to have pictures done on "the sofa".
she called me the day of the shoot and told me that baby jamison had awoke that morning 
 with possible pinkeye but it seemed to be improving.  
i told her to keep me apprised of his condition during the day and if it was not better, we could reschedule the shoot.  it resolved enough that we decided to go ahead for that evening.
what a pumpkin. 
the lilacs were in full bloom so i decided to take full advantage of their beauty....
mama told me that he is a very happy and smiley baby....but he was pretty stingy with his smiles.
no matter what we did to try and make him smile or laugh...
including making mama and daddy jump on the trampoline!!
 he wasn't having any of it.....
they have the same profile, no?

mama found out later that night that he had an ear infection  :(  poor baby.
he did remarkably well considering how bad he must have been feeling...
mama and daddy were all smiles though...even thought she was sure i would not get any good shots of the two of them together.... 
 eventually though, i did coax a few smiles from the little peanut.  
thank you kevin, linda and sweet baby jamison...
you guys rock!!!


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures. I especially love the props and background. You're talented on so many levels.

  2. I bet they
    LOVED these!
    So beautiful.
    So full of life
    and love and the
    moment....The one
    of Jamison in the
    forget-me-nots is
    xx Suzanne

  3. Cindy,

    I just want to say thank once again for everything! We absolutely LOVE how the pictures turned out. My husband and I have been together for close to two decades and up until your photo shoot have had less than a handful of flattering pictures of the two us together! Not only did you capture great pictures of us together, we had a blast doing it. I know I am biased, but I think every picture you took of Jamison turned out beautiful:-)!
    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Linda, Kevin & Jamison

  4. ***you are more than welcome linda. thank you for being so open to my crazy style and being able to let go and have fun!!***


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