Monday, May 2, 2011


austen was at baseball practice yesterday and slid into second base.....and sprained his ankle.
 but he sprained it in the weirdest place.....just below his ankle on the top of his foot....weird!!
 i know it looks like bruising above his ankle but that's boy dirt....along with dirty boy toenails that i made him clip before i took these didn't help.  :P
and wouldn't you know,  he has his first track meet tomorrow....they have missed 3 track meets because of crappy weather....he is also supposed to have another baseball practice tomorrow after his track meet...
looks like that's not happening either....
if he is anything like his mama, this is just the first in a long line of ankle injuries that he has to look forward to!!!!


  1. Oh no. Poor kid! I hope kids heal much faster than 30+ year olds who have had *ahem* too much to drink. Or so I had heard.

  2. Hi If you can lay your hands on some fresh comfrey leaves you can make the most awesome oil that makes bruised and sprained ankles disappear ever so fast and lessens the pain. Put one cup of chopped comfrey (symphytum officianale) leaves and one cup of cold-pressed coconut oil into a very heavy based saucepan and heat gently until the nice green colour comes out of the comfrey (15-20 mins). Let it cool. I whizzle it up with a Bamix and then strain through coffee filter paper. You can add essential oils while still warm if you like (peppermint, grapefruit, sweet orange, lavender, cedarwood). Also, make a tisane with four large comfrey leaves and 2 pints not-quite-boiling water. Leave overnight to cool, remove leaves. Wet your bandages in this tea and apply comfrey oil, the ankle will be good enough to walk on within a day or two (the more you apply it, the quicker it is - on the hour every hour if you like!).


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