Monday, May 9, 2011

they take my breath away....

and tessa
are so lovely..

and this is why...
one who looks just like her mama and one who looks just like her daddy
is it any wonder why those girls are so beautiful???

 what a beautiful family.
and they know how to have fun too!!!
we were lucky to have two very nice weekend a row!!!!  
and i was lucky enough to be able to capture it on mother's day for them.
i love you shannon, jason, scarlett and tessa.


  1. They are both such beautiful girls!!

    Gemma x

  2. Your photos are always so beautiful...I wish I could be your apprentice and you could teach me everything you know!

  3. Wow. Yes, I can see too. They are very special girls and a beautiful family. They will be stunning young women! And always happy to have these beautiful portraits. xo


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