Saturday, May 7, 2011

a photoshoot with a three-year-old....

mama was in school yesterday so tessa and i, having a beautiful morning weather wise, decided to have a little photoshoot.  as they usually do, the shoot started off wonderfully....
she was active and really didn't want to sit still for me.  
that's okay though, i love capturing children in action...
when she did sit down and pose for me
 she was breathtaking!!!
 a little hint for anyone who wants to get a few good shots of a child???
 give them something to hold.....a branch, a stick, a leaf or in our case, some spring dandelions..

but things started to go south when she stepped into the mucky pond with her shoe on and i hollered for her to step back...
 apparently, i offended her
 so she refused to cooperate with me any longer....
 and gave me the stink eye
until i suggested that we go into the house and make some chocolate chip cookies..... 
 so easily bribed.......


thank you so much for stopping by. please feel free to leave a comment, i would love hearing from you....!!!