Sunday, May 29, 2011

a little more lilac loveliness......

just because i love them so much....
 lilacs, blue mason jars and an old farm table......
could there be a more beautiful combination???


  1. Hello! i just started following your blog. I am sort of new to blogger. I want to be able to add other people's buttons to my sidebar...i just cant quite figure it out :( I noticed you had buttons on your page and when I click on them I am directed to that website. I got as far as the button being on mine but its not "clickable" How do I do this?
    Thanks so much and I really enjoy reading your blog :)

  2. Sigh, just exquisite, Cindy!! Perfect in the mason jar. Love them too, so much.


  3. Love the colours...they are so happy :)

  4. Your pictures are sooo gorgeous! I just awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award, keep up the good work :)


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