Tuesday, April 26, 2011

what i love about the internet......

there are good things and bad things about the internet.....i focus on the good things....the amazing blogs that cover any and all topics that interest you, photography, food, decorating, sewing, crafts, 
the plethora of information at your fingertips, the way you can connect with family and friends through social media websites, email and skype... the fact that the internet is the biggest black hole of shopping on earth, that it is the most complete cookbook available  and the mind boggling and almost incomprehensible amount of images that are there for everyone to see and access....
one of my favorite new ways to catalog these images is 

have you heard about this site?  it is a virtual bulletin board that you can create and "pin" images taken from the internet in any subject that piques your "interest" to individual "boards".

how many of us have overfilled binders full of pictures, ripped out pages from magazines, paint chips, etc, when we are decorating our houses....or we are looking for that perfect setting for a photo shoot that you see online.  or simply an idea or recipe that strikes your fancy, so you "add to favorites" bar but then, if you are like me, you have hundreds of favorites and can't find anything???

what i love about this site is the ability to place these images into visual files that you can access and add to at any time. 

 i have a friend who is having me do a photo shoot for her two daughters birthdays later this summer and she wants to have a tea party theme for the party....i put together a "tea party" board to give her ideas for decor, food and set-up.

sometimes i just want to look at pretty things, so i have a board called pretty pretty.  i had no idea that there were so many beautiful and fantastic images on the internet.... i also have one for home decorating ideas and one for diy projects, food and just plain crazy fun stuff... 
 once you are set up with pinterest, you can "pin" any image you want from anywhere on the internet...onto your "boards".

my pinterest boards are here

one of my favorite boards is "the word".  it is full of inspirational quotes and sayings and lots of really funny ones....

check it out...you are going to love it...but be forewarned....it can be addicting..


  1. I have been loving this site for a long time and I want to start pinning! I have signed up for an invite multiple times, but no word. Is there some other way to get an account?

    Love your pins!

  2. I love this site too! I'm with Lori though. I've requested an invite before but never received one, so I still don't have an account. Any tips on how to get one?

  3. Yes, I know!!
    Talk about falling
    down the rabbit hole...
    Pinterest is that
    for me! But I do
    love it and think it's
    an amazing resource!
    xx Suzanne

  4. Yes! I adore my Pinterest site, so nice for cataloging things, and finding new things too.

  5. يتم اختيارها تشييد على تزايد الاسقف ودرجه تحمل النداوة ومدى اتساع المستودع وتقسيمات المستودع التى لا تؤدى الى سوء التخزين مع مرر الوقت فاذا كنت فى معاناه من أساليب التخزين التقليدية التى لا تؤدى الى حماية وحفظ الاثاث فعليك ان تتعاون معانا مباشرة فى القيام بتلك الخدمه هذه اللّحظة
    اختيارك مؤسسة لتخزين العفش بالرياض افضل اختيار
    شركة نقل عفش من الرياض الى القصيم

    شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى حائل

    شركة نقل اثاث بالقصيم


thank you so much for stopping by. please feel free to leave a comment, i would love hearing from you....!!!