Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day.....

to all my family and friends......

yesterday we decided to make a cake for mother's day.  tessa helped with the clean up process...

most of this.....
ended up here...

this is an old family recipe for buttercream frosting.
i think it deserves a close up too~!!!  isn't it the most beautiful shade of tiffany blue?  

my lovely assistant decorated the masterpiece for me...
it rests on my goodwill makeover cake upside down parfait glass glued to a crystal cost? $2.00!!
and with a couple of blackberries for contrast~~~

we got this!!!  and i can't wait to dig into it tonight....

thank you to my lovely assistant (and beautiful niece, allie) xoxox

then, because i don't have enough pictures of this one (heh) we decided to head to the "studio" for a mini.

there was some serious beauty going on up in that room..
her mama is in big trouble when this one becomes a teenager.

oh, lord help us all....

and since it wasn't enough that i got those pictures above, i had to try something different with a two-year-old....
who was getting to her breaking point

and who subconsciously flipped me off....
she did!...see? seriously, where do they learn these things????

well, maybe not.  how could this adorable picture of loveliness make such a gesture to her nana?
sly little devil isn't she??

by the way, i want curtains for my bedroom made out of her shirt it!


  1. The colour of that cake icing is lovely! Your pictures really bring out colours that I wouldn't usually's an eye opener I tell you! lol.

    Oh Cindy that is wonderful that you made the Mushroom soup! I'm so glad you liked it :D Thank you for trying & letting me know!!! Thank you for reading my blog : )

    Gemma X

  2. What lovely helpers you have. Your cake looks delightful! I also liked your hydrangeas in mason jars in the background.

  3. Holy cow, that cake is FABULOUS! I am impressed!!! Darling photos, too.

  4. Yum that cake looks so delicious, and now I'm going to be on the lookout for parfait glasses and that cake stand. Your helpers are both gorgeous as well.


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