Tuesday, February 15, 2011

ten on tuesday....

after reading suzanne's blog i was inspired to post ten random pictures every tuesday...


  1. Cindy, each of these
    is so cool in its own
    way! The first in the
    daisy field is precious!
    As always, you make it
    look so darn EASY, but
    I absolutely know that
    a good shot rarely happens
    just by luck.
    Happy Tuesday!
    xx Suzanne

  2. What pretty pictures! My favorite was the one with the cat and Buzz Lightyear. Gave me quite a good chuckle, that one did!

  3. Love the buzz lightyear photo! The cat must of been a little freaked out heehee!

    Gemma x

  4. Having just discovered your blog, I was wondering what is that black box around your cute dog's neck? Is it one of those anti-bark collars and if so, does it work? I'm considering one and that is why I ask. Thank you. Jackie


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