Saturday, October 30, 2010

the best part of being a photographer....

is when it just doesn't go as expected...
and if you are a photographer, you know about...

you know, the ones that don't get shown to the family, unless you have your pictures taken by me.
every photo shoot has their out-takes,
the blurry ones,
the under-exposed
 or the over exposed
the crying
 snot noses

and blinking
and the blinking is probably my favorite out-take of all

and really, what could be better than blinking and crying? 
capturing the blinking and crying in the same shot...
i just love the funny faces i sometimes get
well, maybe more than sometimes

dirty faces and all

i don't know what to say about this one...but hey, it wasn't me.. 
who doesn't love a nose picker???  
i swear there is one in every bunch..
she really seems quite proud of herself, doesn't she???

and the loving sibling interaction...

 and the general goofiness...

no they were not flipping me off.  nope...
they were telling me that i was their number 1 most favorite person in the world.
okay, maybe they were flipping me off, stinkers...

most of the time, the children tell me when the session is over.
they get grumpy and teary eyed
and uncooperative.
but more often than not, its daddy who makes the final call..
with just one look..
 that says "we're done!!!"

to all of my lovely most sincere apologies for this post, but you must know how happy you all make me.  the end result is great, but the getting there is amazing.  thank you all!!!

linking up with layla

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

more fall fabulousness....

the hubster and i decided to take a drive last saturday morning 
along the back roads of a neighboring town...

it was breathtaking...

it was prime color...and i think we nailed the timing.....

hope you are having a happy fall!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

he lives on our porch light......

this silly little toad....
has taken up real estate on our porch light
it is a motion detection light fixture so it goes on and off all of the time.  
maybe it's warm up there....

and i mean up there.  the fixture sits about 7 feet high on the wall so this dude has to scale the wall to get up there.  it's too high to jump up....
we've seen him up there for the past 4 days.  
gotta admire his stamina....but now i have to clean toad poop off of the porch.............

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

fall is here......

and it arrived like gangbusters.  after a very cold, gray and soggy september, autumn arrived in all of her brightly clothed splendor.....

but the prettiest things i've this fall were these two princesses...

i think i'm in love......