Friday, April 30, 2010



don was in the shower yesterday morning and heard a loud crash.  he hurried out of the shower and found this...

it pulled right out of the wall.  

what it was attached to in there i don't know.  on the left side is the piping for the water and the stud is on the right.  

i picked out the fixture (on clearance and an ugly silver AND gold color)  that my hubby painted.  he rocks at painting.  he has painted the entire interior of our house THREE times...  i like change brother in law said we paint our house so much we've lost 200 sq ft.   yeah, whatever.  anyway, he rocks the paint brush.  

the electrical tools??? not so much...

please don't notice the spots on my faucets.  my housecleaner has been busy painting...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

boys live here....

and he is a slob...

clothes peeled off and laying where they are dropped...

his bathroom after his morning shower..please note that the toilet seat is down.  in his bathroom.

not so much in the powder room downstairs.  where everyone gets a peep...

the kitchen table, or the armory as it has come to be known....most of the rest of the arsenal is probably out on the back lawn..(edited to add...lest you think we let our son play with military grade artillery, these are nerf guns.  he talked his dad into spraying that garish orange and yellow  to a very cool black!!!)

the counter top usually looks like this after he leaves for school.  looks like someone forgot his lunch.
nah, not really.  i took these pictures before he left...

his bedroom floor is not spared 

 and he couldn't get out of the house fast enough to get to school.  anything to get away from having to pick up after himself in the morning.  don't worry, he cleaned it up when he got home.  because i left it for him.  i'm kinda mean like that!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

it was really cold this morning....

everything had a heavy coat of frost...

at least it's sunny outside....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

springtime beauty.......

these are some of the scenes from around my house...

tree branches in a mason jar

garden globes

the weeping cherry tree in front of our house...

my pretty turquoise bottle

and little did i know that this little grotto is actually in my own backyard..literally...
i never knew,  but i'm going to be using it for photo shoots.

how charming is this little spot?  i was exploring back here and this little elf, (my neighbor) happened by and agreed to model for me.

how darling is he?  he is part of an adorable family who's memories i hope to capture later this summer.  

and then, just for fun, here is...the dog!!!

have a great week!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

today's post is brought to you by the color....


and now back to your regularly scheduled programming....